Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I was lost, but now…. (continued)

Finally we stopped. Brian exited the van to take a photo. There were sparce trees, something didn’t seem right, although the guide had said they didn’t know the exact spot. Finally I saw the guide and Brian motion to the driver. We were on the south end of the street and Ava’s documents definitely said north. We turned around and headed north. At the north end, stood the tree grove, where my little bird was left to be found. It was quiet, almost serene, a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of retail just blocks away. It is a 4- lane road with a wide walk for scooters and walkers. She would not be missed there, her mother knew. It pained me to think and to wonder how long did she wait for her finder. "Two years," the Holy Spirit reminded me. It is 2 years this April 23rd, my Ava Joy was found. I held her tight as if to apologize for how long it took.
She looked at me with the same contentment I found Monday. She is home in our arms, and the arms of her Savior.

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